Want to be productive? Move your body

Simone Sistarelli
2 min readNov 3, 2020
Ph: Cath Dupuy®

From time to time, focusing on a task simply becomes an impossible challenge. The mind gets foggy, procrastination kicks in, and the harder you try the less it works.

Does this resonate with you? If so, don’t worry, not everything is lost.

Recent scientific studies have found that moving your body for a short period of time can help you regain concentration, focus and energy, ultimately increasing productivity. It might sound silly, but it works.

When you move your body, you literally refresh and reboot your system. Movement affects the brain by giving it a chance to restore. Your mind is able to take a break, because you force yourself to be present in the moment rather than wondering in the clouds of your imagination or worrying about the past or the future.

If you are an experienced mover (whether that is dance, martial arts, parkour, climbing, yoga, cycling etc.) you already know how true and valuable this is.

But what kind of movement is the “correct” one or the “best” one?

This is entirely personal. For example, some people find that running is their way to reboot and recharge, some people can’t stand it.

I recommend trying as many practices as you can to really find what movement language works best for you. Some examples could be dance (Hip Hop, Contemporary, Salsa, Tango and more), Yoga (Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa and more), martial arts (Karate, Tae-Kwon-Do, Aikido and more), cycling, rope or parkour.

The great thing about movement is that most of the time you don’t need fancy props or locations to move, you only need yourself.

So if you are struggling to focus and concentrate and you want to improve your productivity, take 15 minutes to move your body then go back to the task and you will be able to conquer it.

I personally recommend Yoga and dance

About the Author:

Simone Sistarelli

Professional dance artist, musician, social entrepreneur and public speaker.

Passionate about inspiring people.

Founder of Popping For Parkinson’s, a project that transforms Parkinson’s patients into Popping dance students.

Awarded in the Universal Hip Hop Museum Hall of Fame for his contribution to Hip Hop Culture. Original member of the Red Bull Academy UK.







Simone Sistarelli

Professional dance artist, musician, social entrepreneur and public speaker. Passionate about inspiring people.